Nefer Perfume
Shortlist 2021About Project
1. Mythology:
The fragrance was of a great importance in ancient Egypt. In fact, Egyptian mythology even notes the god “Nefertem” as being the lord of perfume. He is often depicted carrying water lilies, which were a common ingredient in making ancient Egyptian perfume. It’s said that great Egyptian leaders like Queen Cleopatra and Queen Hatshepsut used fragrances to scent their bodies, quarters, baths, and even took perfume with them to the grave.
2. Nefer:
Nefer is a word in the Ancient Egyptian language that was used to symbolize beauty and goodness. The exact translation of the word in English is “Beautiful on the inside and the outside”.
3. Design:
A luxurious and sophisticated product, package, and brand. starting from picking a name and to manufacturing. The volumetry of this exclusive fragrance is 90 ML / 3 FL. OZ.
The goal was to create a very Iconic and identifiable packaging. The box is almost a sculpture with its curved edges in a very elegant appeal with the gold metal typography.
The bottle design is derived from the curved lines of the female figure; A cumulative product of the skeletal structure and the quantity and distribution of muscle and fat on the body as they are typically narrower at the waist than at the bust and hips.
4. Manufacturing:
3D-printed gold titanium perfume bottles. When art, technology, and design are combined to create this luxurious piece of organic lines that embrace the inner core containing the fragrance as the body contains the soul. Nefer = Beautiful on the inside and the outside.
Box Dimensions: Max-Height: 12 Cm, Max-Width: 9 Cm, Max-Length: 19 Cm
Bottle Dimensions: Max-Height: 16 Cm, Max-Width: 6 Cm, Max-Length: 6 Cm
5-e73b27b6 - Amr Ibrahim Mousa
- Product design: object
Nefer Perfume is when art, technology, and design are combined to create a luxurious and sophisticated product. The inner core containing the fragrance as the body contains the soul. The exact translation of the ancient Egyptian word "nefer" in English is "Beautiful on the inside and the outside".
Amr Ibrahim Mousa