
Frequently Asked Questions

How to submit a project to Feeel Design World Prize?

Press the link feeelprize.com/add

Go through a simple registration and as a registered user add your project in one or more categories. Requirements for projects in each category are indicated in the relevant sections.

If you need help, please contact us (by e-mail support@feeelprize.com or instagram @feeelprize).

Why should I participate in Feeel Design World Prize?

There are some reasons below.

Participation in the FDWP competition is a great opportunity to make a statement about yourself and your project. It is also a good chance to present your objects for the first time especially for students and beginning designers.

It is a rare opportunity to receive an appraisal by renowned designers and design industry experts.

The trophy and prize certificates will demonstrate the high level of your projects for clients. It will increase their confidence in the level of your services and strengthen your competitiveness.

When you participate in tenders, clients take into account the competition records and awards you have. Therefore, it is quite a benefit for your business.

Many contestants’ projects (even those that do not win prizes) may be given an opportunity for production and sales all over the world.

Engineers and production specialists from Feeel Design advise the finalists on the production possibilities of their items and help to select the best technologies.

Entry fees have been set as low as possible to encourage entries from every type of design practice around the world. There are reduced rates for individuals, young specialists and students. All entrants can save assets by submitting their entries before the early entry deadline.

By becoming a member of Feeel Design World Prize as a product designer, you can implement your project in a modern production facility and receive it if you win – such an opportunity is available in several categories. The coverage of the award in mass media and social media is also provided. In addition, finalist projects will be included in a special book, which you receive along with the trophy and will be able to order in any quantity, for example, as a gift for your clients.

What is the difference between Feeel Design World Prize and other competitions?

Entry fees have been set as low as possible to encourage entries from every type of design practice around the world. There are reduced rates for individuals, young specialists and students. All entrants can save assets by submitting their entries before the early entry deadline.

Our competition is practical. There is a North American company behind the Feeel Design World Prize. Feeel Design produces complex items for architectural and interior projects. It puts special emphasis on working with metals and natural materials, and the quality of the products created.

Our competition is ambitious. Feeel Design created this prize to develop new architectural products and, with the help of new artists and designers, to create objects and collections that can become interior and garden decoration for many years.

Our competition is more than just a prize. Another ambitious idea of the competition is to form a community of designers and artists, unique in spirit and views, who respect the craft and artistic traditions of working with natural materials; humane to the customer, not striving for highly fashionable interior solutions. We would also like to reward outstanding people in the interior and design industry, as many of them remain in the shadow of their own work.

Is it possible to submit a project that has been published in a magazine, on a website or in a portfolio?

Yes, but there is an exception. Projects in categories related to subject design should not be produced earlier at the expense of interested persons or companies (except for the author of the object himself), any rights to it should not be transferred, sold or alienated in any other way.

Are there any age requirements for the project?

Yes, but only for interior and architectural projects, as well as projects-implementations presented in the form of photography. Such projects should be completed no earlier than 2018.

How many projects can I submit?

We do not limit the number of submitted projects.

What files and materials are needed to submit a project to the competition?

You will need to demonstrate your project (photo, 3D or drawings), and you will also need to provide a short description of it. You will find all this information in your personal account.

Graphic files are accepted in the form of .jpeg and .png in size not less than 1200px on the wide side. The description can be copied from any text editor or entered manually. If for some reason you did not succeed, contact our support service by email support@feeelprize.com.

What language should the project be submitted in?

It is better to submit projects in English. However, you can attach a description in any other language.

What are the terms of the competition?

  • November 2023: Feeel Design World Prize 2023-2024 opens for entry
  • 10 February 2024: early entry deadline
  • 15 May 2024: standard entry deadline
  • 15 July 2024: late entry deadline
  • ~ 10 August 2024 ~ 20 August 2024: longlists announced online
  • ~ 01 September 2024 ~ 10 September 2024: shortlists announced online
  • ~ 20 September 2024: public vote winners announced online
  • ~ 10 October 2024 ~ 20 October 2024: winners revealed

Entries must be submitted by 23:59 Toronto, Canada time on the night of each deadline day. If necessary, The Competition reserves the right to delay the dates listed above.

Unable to load project. What to do?

Check the file sizes (just select all files and check its size, and also check if there are any files with extensions other than .jpg and .png). If this does not help, send us a link with the project materials by e-mail, we will add it ourselves and it will appear in your office. Do not forget to include your personal account ID in the subject line.

You can also contact our support by email suport@feeelprize.com.

I found a bug or a mistake on the site

Write to support by e-mail support@feeelprize.com or instagram @feeelprize (at any time). If possible, attach a screenshot, link, problem description, name and model of your device / browser.

Are there special requirements for the materials that I use for my project?

There are no strict requirements, and you can express your suggestions and wishes. If your project wins and is produced, then we reserve the right to choose the most suitable materials ourselves. At the same time, in case of differences from its original look, we will contact you for advice.

Copyright infringement

In case you are sure of copyright infringement or the fact of plagiarism – please do not hesitate to report it to us by email info@feeelprize.com.

What will happen with the submitted projects next?

The competition takes place in several stages.

  • Technical screening / moderation of projects.
  • The work of a professional jury for the selection of projects in a narrow circle (drawing up a so-called short-list).
  • Then a professional jury chooses the winning projects from a small number of selected projects.
  • If, according to the selection results, you find yourself among the winners, you will receive your prize and, in some cases, an invitation to conclude a production contract, as well as other benefits.
  • Even if you didn’t win, be optimistic, because you can submit your project again next year or send a new one.

I don’t know how to draw and do 3D yet, but I have thousands of ideas, what to do?!

Here are some options.

Perhaps you can draw or make layouts, papier-mâché, sculpt (such projects can be photographed) – any sufficiently developed and understandable project can be accepted for consideration.

You can turn to a modeling specialist or artist who will draw or model high-quality images for you based on your sketches. If you do not have these professionals, you can find them on behance.net or other creative freelance exchanges.