Mezcal lounge chair
Longlist 2021About Project
The Mezcal lounge chair,was designed 13 years ago,its design has been changed and has been evolve through the years,it is meant to be developed and be produced in rotomolding,it has a very unique design and a very beautifull one in design appereance but the main innovattion its that is very confortably in human ergonomy confort has a name : the all new MEZCAL LOUNGE CHAIR,have a mezcal and be relax,designed by Mauricio Valdes for the Mexican revolution of design studio.
12108b7b-de55-4c15-828e-97e963f63eb3-8070698d - Mauricio Valdes Industrial Designer
- La Revolucion Mexicana del Diseño
- Furniture design: series | Product design: park and garden
- None
The MEZCAL lounge chair is a very confotable chair by human ergonomics and it will be produce in rotomolding,so you can use it on snow or on the beach its design its for indoors or outdoors and you can have it in any color you want, the unique design makes it one of the most beautifull lounge chair ever! Plus it has ergonomic study on design seat.
Mauricio Valdes Industrial Designer
La Revolucion Mexicana del Diseño