Crown Shell
Shortlist 2021About Project
The essence of this name comes from power and its form, which at the same time provides a feeling of comfort.
An identity that comes from the heart of a seashell. With its rotating shape and holding position, it satisfies the users ‘sense of calm, security, harmony and beauty, and values the users’ feelings.
Crownshell is a comfortable and stylish sofa designed with circle black anodized metal and crimson velvet that gives beauty to the space.
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CrownShell 05-48b98baa - Hamed Mahzoon , Sana JafariSharif
- Furniture design: series | Furniture: collection
Crownshell is a comfortable and stylish sofa designed with circle black anodized metal and crimson velvet that gives beauty to the space.
Hamed Mahzoon , Sana JafariSharif